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Thursday, April 15, 2010

Your Love Stories

I'm a visual person, so even though something can be described brilliantly I still LOVE seeing pictures or illustrations of it! Because of this I completely understand when people ask to see what our wedding albums look like instead of just having me describe them! Since we love taking pictures that tell a story we wanted to compile those pictures in a story book format. So our albums are designed to look and feel like a book, a book containing part of your love story!

Your book is custom designed by me and we offer a handful of vintage book cover options. Like most traditional books there is a beginning, middle and end. So, I choose images from your wedding day that help tell the story in chronological order. The images are a combination of portraits, candid shots and details spanning the whole day!

One of my favorite features is the lay-flat pages!

And you can either leave your book out on your coffee table for guests to look through or you can store it in a simple yet lovely archival box!

Everyone's love story deserves to be documented and preserved so years from now you can share it with your grandchildren!

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