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Monday, August 31, 2009

The First Day

For many families today is the first day of a new school year or even their very FIRST day of school ever! The first day of the new school year always signifies the change in seasons for me…and although it will still be in the high 90’s and trees will still be green for weeks on end it now feels like fall!
I’m reminded of the movie “You’ve Got Mail”, one of my favorite quotes is from the beginning of the movie, “Don't you love New York in the fall? It makes me wanna buy school supplies. I would send you a bouquet of newly sharpened pencils if I knew your name and address. On the other hand, this not knowing has its charms.”
A bouquet of sharpened pencils, LOVE IT!
My kids are still to young for school, thankfully for me, I’m just not ready to let my babies go to school yet! But while I was at Target on Friday walking down the school supply isle my son spotted a Batman notebook and his eyes light up and he said in his overly excited voice, “Momma, Momma, Momma…Batman! PPEEAASS, Momma!?” which I responded, “Ooo…that’s cool, Okay, you can get it!” I know, I’m a push over, especially when he try’s to say “Please” but it comes out sounding like “peas”!
He has been caring it with him all over the place and lucky for me it only cost 50 cents!
In honor of the new school year we are giving away a $25 giftcard to Target! Its real simple to enter, just leave us a comment letting us know what your plans are for Labor Day Weekend! I personally will be consuming large quantities of BBQ at this year’s 21st annual Best in the West Nugget Rib Cook-off!
The only Rules, one entry per person and all entries must be made by 12pm PST tonight!


kf photography said...

These pics are so cute! I love that you post photos of the kids on here and not just the clients.

Ben and I don't really have plans for Labor Day but we're coming up for the balloon races the next week!

Unknown said...

Our plans for the Labor Day weekend include, an overnight stay at Pyramid Lake and a visit to the 21st Annual Rib Cook-off. Time and weather permitting, we may go play in the Truckee River too.

Unknown said...

I will spend my Labor Day weekend putting up with a bunch of relatives coming to visit us. I will have to share my bedroom, the bathroom, and my games with everyone. I will have to empty the trash 3 times more often and do more dishes. I might not care if all the cousins were boys, but they aren't, they are girls. And if I even look at them cross-eyed they will go running to their mom crying and I will get in trouble.


Chelsea Morales said...

After traveling almost every weekend this summer, I am going to spend Labor Day relaxing, kayaking a few times, cooking, cleaning and visiting friends while I try to remember what it feels like to actually live in my apartment. Oh, and I am trying out a new church and probably sleeping in some. :-)

Love the pictures by the way. Your little man is getting so big!


Dolisa said...

We are going to have our second most exciting Labor Day weekend ever. The first was in 1997 when our daughter Emma was born. This year we will be celebrating with Alex (4) and Lily (3). They are our soon to be adopted children! We are all very excited because they will be joining our family this weekend! Our 3 children are excited to add 2 more to the group! What fun!

Anna G said...

My kids love the rib cook off so that is where we will be and in the backyard pool. Hopefully the weather will cooperate for both of those fun activities.

Jennifer P said...

I love the pictures! We are visiting Grandma and Grandpa to celebrate Year 75 (Grandpa) and year 6 ( My daughter) I suspect there will be lots of food, presents and even a few squirt gun fights. A great way to start a new school year!

judie said...

Thank you for sharing your pictures with us. I love having my kids pics taken. Do you have specials set up with home schooled groups for yearly pics???
As far as our plans for this Labor Day weekend...we are going to kick back, bbq, watch movies, and just hang out together. :)
Thanks, Judie

DP said...

Catch UP!!! I'd like to say we'll just be hanging out but I don't see that happening till Nevada day. So labor we will.

Unknown said...

I love the pictures! I agree with you in regards to school starting signaling the change in season. This summer has been weird though becuase 2 of my kids started school in July and track off for the month of September. The two younger kids start school this month. I guess it will take time to get used to.
As for the long weekend, we will most likely hang out around the house and enjoy the rib cook-off on Sunday.

Colleen said...

Thanks for the fun article. I too am a huge fan of newly sharpened crayons - nothing like a fresh box. As a matter of fact, Fawn and I just had that conversation not too long ago. I love the Fall and all the warm, fuzzy feelings that go with it! Labor Day is family time - and since Emily is working 2 jobs and going to college, we will have to "labor" just to get that time in, but the rewards are sweet. Cherish the moments - they fly by quickly!

Reno Midwifery said...

My family is in town, so we will be hanging out at the rib cook off and lazying about catching up on family happenings.

Unknown said...

Since my older children will be away, we are planning a trip to Donner Lake or possible a night at our friends cabin with our younger two children. Hopefully we can slow down and rest before the school semester hits full on.


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